finance interview question

Top 5 Frequent Questions Asked in Finance Interview for Fresher and How to Respond


The most typical and often asked finance interview questions are listed here. Make sure you know the answers to these tricky questions below if you want to ace your finance interview. This manual is ideal for anyone going through a financial job interview because it is based on actual queries used to choose candidates.

finance interview question

Here are five commonly asked finance interview questions for freshers

  • What academic background do you have, and how does it relate to finance?
  • What are your professional aspirations, and how do you see yourself developing within the finance sector?
  • Can you provide an example of a financial concept you recently learned and explain it to us in simple terms?
  • How do you keep up of recent financial news and market trends?
  • What are some of the key skills you believe are necessary for success in the finance industry, and how have you developed these skills?

1. What academic background do you have, and how does it relate to finance?

At a job interview for a position in finance, if the interviewer inquires about your educational background and how it relates to finance, you could respond as follows:

“[Insert degree or major] is my area of study. Despite the fact that my degree isn’t in finance, it has given me a solid foundation in [insert pertinent knowledge or concepts]. For instance, [insert relevant coursework] has enabled me to improve my [insert relevant talents] skills. These abilities, which may be used for financial analysis, financial modelling, and investment management, are, in my opinion, quite transferable to the finance sector.

Also, I’ve taken the initiative to [insert relevant experience or activities] to deepen my understanding of finance. For instance, I’ve participated in clubs or groups relating to money, taken courses in financial analysis, or worked as an intern in the finance sector. I feel as though these experiences have deepened my understanding of the financial sector and have adequately equipped me for a future in finance given my academic background and interest for the subject.

Despite not having an academic background in finance, you may still convince the interviewer that you are a strong candidate for the position by emphasising your relevant skills and experiences and exhibiting your love and dedication to the finance industry.

2.What are your professional aspirations, and how do you see yourself developing within the finance sector?

If an interviewer asks you, “What are your professional aspirations, and how do you see yourself developing within the finance sector?” during a finance job interview, you could answer as follows:

“I want to pursue a successful career in finance with a particular emphasis on [enter the area of finance that interests you].” The potential in this field fascinate me, and I can see many areas in which I may grow.

First off, I want to keep developing my financial knowledge and abilities by [insert relevant activities here, such working towards a professional certification or enrolling in classes that are relevant]. By doing so, I will be able to stay current with business trends and advancements and infuse my work with fresh perspectives and concepts.

Second, I think that establishing solid connections and networks inside the banking industry is essential for professional success. In order to expand my professional network, I intend to aggressively look for mentorship opportunities and take part in industry events and conferences.

Eventually, I hope to advance to a position of leadership in the financial industry. I feel that I am qualified for a leadership position due to my [insert relevant experiences or skills], and I am willing to take on new duties and to coach others.

My overall professional goals are to establish myself as a reputable and knowledgeable financial professional, forge solid connections within the business, and advance into a leadership position where I can significantly influence the sector.

By answering this question, you can demonstrate your passion for finance and your desire to build a successful career in this field. Additionally, by outlining specific steps you plan to take to achieve your goals, you can show the interviewer that you are a proactive and ambitious candidate.

3.Can you provide an example of a financial concept you recently learned and explain it to us in simple terms?

If an interviewer asks you, “Can you provide an example of a financial concept you recently learned and explain it to us in simple terms?” during a finance job interview, you could answer as follows:

“Sure! Compound interest is a recent financial concept I learned. Compound interest is essentially the interest you receive on both your initial investment and the interest your investment accrues over time.

Let’s imagine you have $1,000 in a savings account that pays 5% interest annually to simplify the explanation. You would receive $50 in interest at the conclusion of the first year, bringing your whole balance to $1,050. Nevertheless, you would also receive 5% interest on the $50 in interest you received in the first year, in addition to the $1,000 you initially invested. In the second year, you would therefore receive $52.50 in interest, raising your total balance to $1,102.50.

Compound interest is a crucial financial topic because of how quickly the compounding effect may mount up. It is an effective instrument for assisting both individuals and companies in long-term wealth growth.

You can show that you have the capacity to explain difficult concepts in an understandable manner by giving a brief and concise explanation of a financial subject. Also, you can demonstrate to the interviewer that you have a firm grasp of the foundations of finance by selecting a subject that is pertinent and broadly applicable.

4.How do you keep up of recent financial news and market trends?

If an interviewer asks you, “How do you keep up with recent financial news and market trends?” during a finance job interview, you could answer as follows:

“I have a strong interest in money, and I follow a variety of sources to stay current on news and market trends. For instance, I frequently read the Financial Times, Bloomberg, and The Wall Street Journal online and in print periodicals. I also subscribe to thought leaders and subject matter experts on LinkedIn and Twitter, where I can obtain their analyses and insights.

To keep connected to the larger finance world, I also participate in online forums and discussion groups, visit industry conferences, and seminars whenever I can. I also make it a point to keep up with new economic statistics and indicators, including GDP and unemployment rates, since they can have a big impact on financial markets and investments.

“I have a keen interest in finance, and I keep up with news and market developments by reading a range of sources. For instance, I regularly read print and online editions of the Financial Times, Bloomberg, and The Wall Street Journal. On Twitter and LinkedIn, I follow thought leaders and subject matter experts so I can access their analysis and insights.

I also take part in online forums and discussion groups, go to professional conferences, and attend seminars whenever I can to stay in touch with the greater finance world. As they can have a significant impact on financial markets and investments, I also make it a point to stay current with new economic statistics and indicators, such as GDP and unemployment rates.

5.What are some of the key skills you believe are necessary for success in the finance industry, and how have you developed these skills?

If an interviewer asks you, “What are some of the key skills you believe are necessary for success in the finance industry, and how have you developed these skills?” during a finance job interview, you could answer as follows:

“In my opinion, success in the finance industry requires a number of critical competencies, including strong analytical skills, attention to detail, communication skills, time management, and the capacity to function well under pressure.

I have acquired these abilities through a combination of formal education and real-world experience. For instance, my academic education in finance has given me a solid foundation in financial analysis, while my professional experience in customer service jobs has taught me how to prioritise and communicate effectively with clients.

Beyond my official schooling and professional experience, I have actively sought out opportunities to advance my talents. I’ve taken online classes and attended workshops on things like financial modelling, data analysis, and effective communication, for instance. I have also asked seasoned members in the finance industry for mentorship and advice.

Furthermore, via my professional experience in positions that required me to juggle various responsibilities and meet strict deadlines, I have shown that I can work well under pressure and properly manage my time. I am certain that I have the knowledge and expertise required to excel in the banking business, and as my career develops, I am eager to keep hone these abilities.

By demonstrating your understanding of the key skills required in the finance industry and your proactive approach to developing these skills, you can show the interviewer that you are a capable and ambitious candidate who is committed to success in the industry. Additionally, by providing specific examples of how you have developed and demonstrated these skills, you can provide concrete evidence of your suitability for the role.
