
Walk-in Drive at Infosys BPM on 23 August| Bangalore Location

Walk-in Drive at Infosys BPM for Service Desk role. Any Graduate candidate can apply for the post. Walk-in Drive at Infosys BPM-Overview Walk-in Drive at Infosys BPM-ABOUT COMPANY Infosys BPM (Business Process Management) is a subsidiary of Infosys Limited, an Indian multinational corporation providing information technology, consulting, and outsourcing services. Infosys BPM specializes in offering business process outsourcing (BPO) services

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Itron Mega off campus Drive 2023 | Technical Support Associate Roles

Itron Mega off campus Drive 2023 : hiring As Technical Support Associate Roles. in ME/M.Tech, BE/B.Tech in EEE/ECE/CSE, BCA, MCA Candidates can apply for the post. Itron Mega off campus Drive 2023 – Overview Itron Mega off campus Drive 2023 – ABOUT COMPANY Itron is a global technology company that specializes in providing innovative solutions for managing and optimizing energy

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